Bedtime stories with a bite

Red Hood Productions founder Elizabeth Dearnley is an artist, folklorist and maker whose work centres around fairy tales, horror, collaborative storytelling and engagement with public spaces.

In addition to her Red Hood projects, she works between academia and the arts to stage imaginative participatory events, whether hiding secret diaries around Bloomsbury, turning 12th-century folktales into space operas, or bringing sculptures to life as a producer of Talking Statues.

Elizabeth is a Lecturer in Creative Writing at Edinburgh Napier University, teaches courses on folklore, film and psychoanalyis at the Freud Museum London, and guest lectures at universities, libraries and museums around the UK and beyond. She has recently edited scary fairy fiction anthology Fearsome Fairies, and is writing a book about forests.

Elizabeth and her sister Tamsin have been collaborating on soundscapes since the ages of 9 and 6, when their haunted house soundtrack Nightmare Murder mysteriously failed to entertain their parents on long car journeys.